Created 2 Play Foundation

Mission Statement:

Our missions is to provide education, parenting, and mental health initiatives to parents, grandparents and care-givers. We will achieve this mission through community partnerships, fiscal scholarships, and referrals.

Our Vision:

Our vision is that every child has equal access to educational resources (ex: preschool), positive extra-curricular activities, and that every parent, grandparent, and caregiver has equal access to exceptional parent education and support.

You can help!



Financial donations allow us to focus on our mission to help provide valuable tools and connection to underserved populations. Your gift allows us to improve the future by helping one family at a time.



There is nothing better than to get involved. Whether it is with a group, such as Created 2 Play or with an individual family down the street that needs a bit of help. Being involved changes lives.



For any group that provides help, support means everything and we desire your support. Work with us to create a better world by changing the life of a family, a mother, a father, and their children.

 Donate Today!

Created 2 Play is registered as a 501c(3), which means any donations are tax deductible.


One Family


Three Families


Five Families