Membership Information

Created 2 Play offers a variety of services, depending on your situation.


Online Access


At Created 2 Play, we want to continually provide support and information that parents can utilize right away. Here we provide a variety of topics, information and resources that parents can use to help strengthen their parenting skills no matter the age of their children.

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Small Group Counseling


At Created 2 Play, we know that some topics need deeper discussions. Our small groups are limited in size so that everyone can express themselves as we go through a specific topic. Our small groups can either be virtual (via Zoom) or face to face in a local space.

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One on One Coaching


Sometimes, parents just want some more focus on their situation. This is why Created 2 Play offers one on one coaching opportunities. Here we can dive into what issues are happening in your home and provide resources and suggestions to help.

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Upcoming Public Small Group Events